Friday, November 7, 2014

Moonstone / Biduri Bulan dengan Cincin Perak

Moonstone has been used in Roman jewelry for nearly two thousand years, even longer in the Orient. It has always been a sacred stone in India with a special significance for lovers, and is a traditional wedding gift there. It was a popular choice for jewelers in the Art Nouveau period, and in Europe was believed to reconcile estranged lovers and to cure sleeplessness. Moonstone is known as the Traveler's Stone for the protection it affords, especially at night, and because of its uplifting quality of hope, has long been worn as a talisman to enhance the personality. [Ahsian, 267][Mella, 91]
Named for its moon-like sheen, Moonstone is a Feldspar mineral exhibiting a soft, watery opaqueness and a silvery-white reflection called chatoyancy that moves as a line across the surface as light varies. Moonstone occurs in delicate shades of peach, blue, gray, white and a prismatic variety known as Rainbow Moonstone.
White Moonstone carries the energy of the new moon at the height of its power, stimulating psychic perception, vision and dream work. It can magnify one's emotions, activating the kundalini energy in women and emotional balance in men, and is supportive in children to drive away nightmares or insomnia.


Batu moonstone berukuran cukup besar yang diikat cincin perak tebal bermotif polos. Batu moonstone atau biduri bulan putih ini memantulkan cahaya berwarna putih perak jika terkena cahaya redup sekalipun.

Panjang batu: 1.9 cm
Lebar batu: 1.5 cm
Tebal batu: 0.7 cm
Ukuran cincin: 20
Harga : Rp 1,000,000

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